Nov 17, 20212 min read
DELTA-8 THC: Beyond the headlines
With more and more research being carried out on cannabis and its related compounds, new trace cannabinoids are being isolated and...

Sep 7, 20213 min read
Financial Metrics For Startup Founders
Starting a business is hard enough from an operational perspective! There are a thousand things to organize and execute on to go from an...

Jul 30, 20213 min read
What is behind the latest plunge in cryptocurrency prices?
The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has shrunk by an eye-popping amount of $1.2 trillion in roughly a month and a half...

Jul 5, 20213 min read
Startup Investing 101: How to Value Pre-Revenue/Early Stage Companies
A business that is just starting out might not appear to have any value for those who don’t share or understand the founder’s vision...

May 29, 20213 min read
Top metrics to assess the effectiveness of a marketing campaign The appearance of social media platforms has facilitated the task of...

Apr 1, 20212 min read
Negotiation Apparently Can Be Learned
You may just need to lose badly enough to realize it! Last year, I wrote about entering the UConn School of Business and School of Law...